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Join Us and over 100 Million Students for an Hour of Code

ADVScholars and NBHE are proud to be sponsors of this event in 2020

We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.

But only a tiny fraction of us are learning how technology works. Only 47% of all high schools teach computer science.

That’s why the Academy of Digital Visionaries and Scholars ( is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 7-13). More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. We are partnering with the National Black Homeschool Educators ( to host this event. Our Hour of Code is making a statement that ADVScholars and NBHE are ready to teach these foundational 21st-century skills!

With the Hour of Code, computer science has been on homepages of Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and Disney. Over 100 partners have joined together to support this movement. Every Apple Store in the world has hosted an Hour of Code, and leaders like President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote their first lines of code as part of the campaign.

This year, let's make it even bigger. We're asking you to join our Hour of Code 2020 event

on Saturday, December 12, 2020. We will have two events:

  • 1:00pm: For Students Grades 1-6

  • 3:00pm: For Students Grades 7-12

These events are free and no experience is necessary. Just sign up, show up (via our Zoom link) and get ready for some fun! But you have to register to be included. (Please note: For ages 13 and under we encourage the parents attend online with their kids).

To register just send us an email at or go to NBHE's sign-up page and we'll send you the information on how to join us for this event. Spaces are limited so contact us asap to reserve your spot!

We hope to see you there!

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